What is prohibited when renting on RVnGO?

What is prohibited when renting on RVnGO?

Prohibited Uses and Actions
The following uses of the rented recreational vehicle are prohibited and you will be 100% responsible for any damages caused and/or prosecution and criminal sanction.
  • Travel outside of the United States or Canada,
  • Travel to Mexico,
  • Obtaining insurance from RVnGO through false pretenses, including without limit not answering honestly our driver qualification questions or using a false or altered drivers license,
  • Storm chasing or observing natural weather phenomena, or otherwise intentionally going into a dangerous area or natural disaster,
  • Used in a race or speed contest,
  • Used for livery purposes to carry passengers for consideration (for pay or hire),
  • Used for musical band touring,
  • Used in connection with any illicit trade or transportation,
  • Used for the transport of goods or cargo for consideration (for pay or hire),
  • Voluntarily parting with title or possession improperly, whether or not induced so to do by any fraudulent scheme, trick, device or false pretense, or
  • The wrongful conversion, embezzlement or secretion by an instrument, whether written or verbal.