Reviews are your opportunity to build a good reputation in the RVnGO community, as well as share your
experiences. Since you can only write a review after a reservation is confirmed on the site, you can trust
that any review you see on a profile page is the result of an actual person booking with or hosting another
member of the community.
We believe in our community that talking to each other and leaving reviews helps others. Our community
is built on trust, and trust comes from honest conversation. Therefore, we ask for reviews that are truthful,
clear, and helpful to both the recipient and wider RVnGO community.
When creating a review or review response, we ask that you stick to the facts. The best reviews provide
constructive information that helps the community make better decisions and is educational for the host or
guest. We strongly discourage personal insults, opinion not backed up by an example, or a generally rude
review. RVnGO’s default position is not to censor, edit, or delete reviews. However, there are cases in
which we may take the rare step of disallowing or removing reviews or review responses. We reserve the
right to remove reviews that violate the aforementioned guidelines.