How To Review & Update Reservation Requests

How To Review & Update Reservation Requests

Updating Your RVnGO Calendar and Making Sure Guests Know.

One of the tasks associated with renting your RV is to respond to reservation inquiries. It’s great to respond through the platform in the messaging tool direct with the guest, but that doesn’t update the RV availability. 

SO it is VITALLY IMPORTANT to respond to the guests on the reservation screen by clicking on either accept or decline the inquiry.

We understand why you may want to work with the guest outside of the RVnGO platform. Your experience with other person to person networks has shown that they take out excessive fees from your bookings and you want to avoid any fees being taken.

Well on RVnGO, there are no fees taken out so you don’t have to play that game. We are committed to bringing people together and that just doesn’t happen when we charge you a fee.

This video shows how to respond to Rental Inquiries so that the platform, your calendar is updated as well as that potential guest is notified whether you accepted or declined the Reservation Request.

Keep an eye out for more helpful videos to help you be even more successful renting your RV through RVnGO. 

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