How to Sync Your Calendar with RVnGO

How to synchronize and maintain a unified calendar

How to Synchronize and Maintain a Unified Calendar

Syncing your RVnGO calendar with other calendars, such as your Google or Apple calendar, is quick and easy on our platform. Follow the simple instructions below and view our video guide on how to sync your calendar to get set up.

1. After signing in, hover over the hosts tab and click on calendar.
2. Once on the calendar page, click on the button on the top right that says "Export/Subscribe."
3. Then, you'll be given two options to export your current calendar or subscribe to receive ongoing calendar updates.

Export means you download the calendar as it looks at the time of download. It will not update to match changes automatically.
  1. To export, simply click the link under export that says "click here".
  2. A file will download containing your RVnGO calendar information.
  3. Open the file, and your operating system should open your default calendar program and load in your RVnGO calendar.
Subscribing syncs your calendars so that if there are changes on your RVnGO calendar, then it will update your other calendars on platforms like Microsoft Outlook, Google, and Apple.
  1. To subscribe, first copy the link from the Export/Subscribe window. With the link, you can subscribe and sync your calendars automatically.
  2. For Microsoft Outlook, select "Add" at the top right of the toolbar of your Calendar page and click "From Internet". Paste the link and click "OK". Then, select Subscribe to calendar.
  3. When using Google Calendar - select "Other calendars" on the left side menu and then "Subscribe to calendar". Paste the same URL and click "add calendar".
  4. For Apple Calendar, select "file" in the top left and then click on "New Calendar Subscription". Copy and paste the URL from RVnGO and click "Subscribe" to finish.