How to Add Seasonal Rates to Your Listing

How to Add Seasonal Rates to Your Listing

When listing an RV on our site, you have the option to add seasonal rates if your nightly prices change depending on the season, special event, or holiday. 

Step 1:

Hover over On the "Prices" page when editing your listing, you will have the option to add different kinds of pricing, deposits, and add-ons. Above add-ons, you will see "Seasonal Pricing." You can click the "+" icon to add additional seasons. 

Step 2:

Select the season, holiday, or event and enter the nightly rate. Then, enter the start and end dates. Here is an example of what it looks like to add all four seasons:

Step 3:

Once you have made all necessary edits to your listing, click "Next" at the bottom of the screen until you reach the final page. Then, click "Submit."